So, it's been over a week now, and the time change is somehow still getting to me. I have convinced myself that it is certainly okay to crawl in bed at 6:30 pm; and you know what? I'm loving the fact that I feel A-ok with that. Although I feel like I'm getting more sleep, it is still hard getting up in the mornings. But what I continue to love about my job is - I can wake up, throw on my scrubs, brush my teeth, grab my purse and head out...And no one even cares! No physicians to greet everyday, no meetings to call to order and is absolutely awesome. Have I mentioned that I love my awesomely wonderously fabulous job? If not, well, I do!
Hunting season is now in full swing, so the boyfriend stays pretty busy now...I did manage to kill me my first deer. She wasn't a huge one, but I was just as excited to bring her home! I guess now I have to just sit and wait for Big Buck to step across my path from here on out. I do now have about 50lbs of meat to pick up on Tuesday that I'll be eating on for for-ev-er. I still don't have a clue where I'm going to store all this meat! I see a lot of deer chili in the near future...and taco soup...and spaghetti...oh, Pinterest - Here I come!
28 October 2012
I usually do not like to merge my holidays (i.e. I believe November should be dedicated to giving thanks in celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday; as should December be dedicated to the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ). Buuuuuuuut, I was recently introduced this past weekend to Mer Rouge Wholesale, and Owe-Eyum-Geee....I believe all the money I was supposed to be spending on people for Christmas, went to my new decorations for my Christmas tree...And of course, when you come home with exciting new purchases (whatever they may be), you take them ALL out of the bags, and you admire them and do with them whatever it is you bought them for. So----in my case, of course, I HAD to play with my Christmas decorations...meaning...My Christmas tree is now erect on November 12th...I know, I know. How dare me take away the Thanksgiving holiday focus - blah blah blah....Whatever people. I have been giving thanks all year; so what if I'm 3 week early on celebrating Christmas!
Whoville Christmas 2012
Let the Christmas Cheer begin!
I planned on having all of my Christmas shopping done by this point, but it turns out, I'm not quite finished. Only a few more gifts to go though, I'm calling it a wrap! Thanks to Pinterest, I have the cutest Christmas tree and my gift wrapping is going to be PRECIOUS! I think another reason why I may have done my Christmas decorating a little early, was so that I could enjoy the cuteness longer!
The babies are still as precious as they were before, and definitely as spoiled rotten as ever. They are just as excited about the holidays as I am, and I think they just may get wrapping paper and ribbon as gifts this year! That's what seemed to be the highlight of their Christmas joy last year - why not?