I cannot get over the fact that some people think it's good to always have a negative attitude the second something doesn't go how they expect. What happened to 'you don't know the whole story' or 'wait until you know the reason why'. People tend to think they are superior to everyone else and that the world revolves solely around them. It's absolutely astonishing. You text someone, they don't immediately text you back. So you get pissy and starting throwing digs and daggers to that person thinking they are being facetious - Newsflash; maybe that person hasn't had a chance to text you back. Maybe that person's phone is froze up and they had to restart it, and you just went on the attack. Before you even gave a rational thought as to why this person hasn't text you back when you expected, you started building negative character.
Someone comes to you with an issue. Be it, their feelings are hurt because of something you said or did or maybe just how a situation was handled on your end. (FYI - anytime a person comes to you to address this sort of matter, it's because they care enough to resolve it so that they don't feel this way again.) Instead of being an upstanding adult and actually resolving the issue that is being brought up, you immediately make it about you and turn it around to justify why you made that person feel the way they do. You throw negative digs, you say hurtful things, and why - to punish them for trying to make the situation better? That's impressive... Again - there you are building negative character. Many people will spin off the initial issue brought up, and they will bring up another issue that is directed to that person. This is what I call, 'tit for tat'. Irrelevant topics that are brought up to take the heat off someone quick. This is pointless and just builds more hurt against the two of you. How about resolve their issue and maybe bring your issue up on your own. You don't have to be prompted by someone else's issue to bring yours up to have something to throw in their face - do it on your own. Now next time, that person isn't even going to come to you to try to fix an issue, and you are going to act as if you don't understand why. These things happen a number of times, and people tend to give up.
How you perceive someone's feelings, emotions and ideas says everything about you and your character. You build the image people see when they look at you, and when you build negative character, your image then becomes a negative one. Maturity is also radiated by your actions and reactions to other people. It is displayed by acting in such a manner as 'handling up on business', not one-upping them with the blame game. It doesn't take long for someone looking for rationalism in a situation to turn and walk away from the person who can't keep their inner child contained at appropriate and important times.
And no - this is not just another one of Casey's "ridiculous standards"; this is real life. People can say all day long that they don't care what other people think. But in my opinion, you should definitely care what other people think. Other people have a bigger pull on your life than you will ever realize; both physically and emotionally. Plus, people tend to be attracted to level-headed people who have the ability to uphold and conduct mature conversations with efforts to strive for positive results. No one likes to deal with irrational people who act as cocked guns waiting to fire at any second for any reason.
And no - this is not just another one of Casey's "ridiculous standards"; this is real life. People can say all day long that they don't care what other people think. But in my opinion, you should definitely care what other people think. Other people have a bigger pull on your life than you will ever realize; both physically and emotionally. Plus, people tend to be attracted to level-headed people who have the ability to uphold and conduct mature conversations with efforts to strive for positive results. No one likes to deal with irrational people who act as cocked guns waiting to fire at any second for any reason.
It's not that hard to co-exist. If everyone would live by the golden rule and not get offended when it's acted upon, then no one would have a problem with anyone - ever.
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Luke 6:31
Luke 6:31
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