Friday, May 13, 2016

Who makes up your circle?

While lying in bed last night trying my best to get my mind to stop it's treacherous roller coaster ride, I couldn't help but reflect on several recent situations I have encountered over the past couple of months with different people. I have analyzed a few awkward moments with people, and the common denominator with them all seems to be me offering a positive spin on the situation or comment being thrown at me. I have learned, these comments and discussions are being thrown at me with the expectation that I will think the same way as them and join in on the judgmental world of negativity. Problem is, my mind has a way of thinking 'benefit of the doubt', so my first instinct is not going to be to think about the situation the same way.

I was in a discussion about some Facebook picture drama added with an assumed negative meaning behind it. When I offered my positive view as a way to ease this person's mind about it negatively effecting them, I was flipped off. Yes, I got the finger.

I was in a discussion about a particular person's relationship status. After listening, I saw another side of the situation and tried sharing my positive light on it. This quickly resulted in offensive comments about the way I saw the situation; simply because I didn't join in on talking ill about it.

I posted a general Facebook status about how I was 'praying for a close friend and their current life situation', and I was asked by that friend if the post was pertaining to them - thinking maybe they would be grateful like 100% of all humans beings are when others pray for them. When my answer was 'maybe', I was asked to delete it...two weeks later, still no word from her. Apparently her situation isn't as bad as it's being portrayed to be by the multiple phone calls and all the support I've had to dish out over the YEARS. Just an FYI: If you're praying for me, keep on keeping on. I don't have to display my drama to appreciate prayer any day.

My attempt at keeping this post short-ish has already failed. But I assure you, I have 3 more scenarios that also result in someone becoming distant or getting pissed off due to me not taking interest in the negative spin with their particular dramatic fiasco. It is apparent that everyone on this planet at some point in the their life will need to seek attention in some way. Some do it through made-up drama, some make situations up out of thin air, and some literally find negativity in everything. Like in a perfect double rainbow WITH a pot of gold actually sitting at the end. PSA: I strive to not be one of those people, and I don't want to be included in the discussion if my views and take on the situation aren't welcomed. Newsflash - People can have discussions and have different views. That's how different views on the same situation are seen and brought to light.

So, I will close with this: We cannot continue to throw around comments and meme posts about how we strive to be better than we were yesterday and how we need to be a positive venue for others if we don't put in the effort to make it happen within ourselves. If the {constant} work I am doing with myself, my life, my thoughts and my reactions causes your dramatic and negative mindset to suddenly come to a screeching halt (aside from your childish behavior of getting butt-hurt), then my work is definitely paying off.

And because I'm human & the devil knows I'm trying hard, there will come a day when he will win and cause me to slip up, have a moment and find negativity where it just doesn't belong. But when that day comes, I hope I have friends like myself who will return the favor and offer peace and simplicity to my mind by offering up their POSITIVE two cents in an effort to straighten me up. I'm not a friend who requires much; actually, I require nothing at all. But as much as I do and give to others, If you can't give back in that simple way, then you don't need my friendship. Better yet - I don't need your type of friendship holding me back from being my best self.

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